Career Changers

We work for money of course, but being fulfilled at work is about more ...

  • Money: salary, bonuses, healthcare, pension
  • Psychological wellbeing: praise, knowing you are making a difference,
  • Social: prestige, job title, identity capital and pride
  • Education: skills learnt at work, relationships and contacts
  • Freedom: the ability to work on your own terms, autonomy

If you are unhappy at work start by rating these 5 areas on a scale of 1 to 10. It can help you to see what is lacking from your current position and what is important to you.

Career Change

It can happen for many different reasons. Like any change if you choose it yourself it can be empowering and life affirming as well as nerve wracking and uncertain. If it is imposed up on you it may be very hard to accept. You may find you feel anger, sadness and grief before you can accept and move on. 


If you are being made redundant then make sure you access any help your employer provides before you leave. 

Being made redundant: finding work, claiming benefits and managing debts - GOV.UK ( 

If you are making a change yourself then take your time and allow yourself to make plans and get ready before you jump ship. 

Some options to consider if you are unhappy in your current role are to ask your employer about training opportunities, secondments, 


Full time or part-time



Help is out there:

